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Country Website Domain Extensions Endings -
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Domain Rules List Extension
Restrictions .com
1 year / 2 years / 5 years / 10 years
$25 / $50 / $99 / $199
No Restrictions .net
1 year / 2 years / 5 years / 10 years
$25 / $50 / $99 / $199
No Restrictions .org
1 year / 2 years / 5 years / 10 years
$25 / $50 / $99 / $199
No Restrictions .biz
1 year / 2 years / 5 years / 10 years
$25 / $50 / $125 / $250
No Restrictions .bz
2 years
$ 100.00
No Restrictions .info
1 year / 2 years / 5 years / 10 years
$25 / $50 / $125 / $250
No Restrictions .name
1 year / 2 years / 5 years / 10 years
$25 / $50 / $125 / $250
No Restrictions .aero
2 years
Registry live .coop
Registry live .pro
1 year / 2 years
$300.00 / $455.00
Registry live .museum
2 years
Registry live .cc
2 years
$ 100.00
No Restrictions .tv
2 years
$ 29.95
Special price for top domains .us
1 year / 2 years / 5 years / 10 years
$25 / $50 / $125 / $250
Must be a US citizen or company info in
US .ws
1 year / 2 years
$ 100.00
There are no restrictions at this time Alternative International Domain Rules List Country
Local Presence
Other Requirements Australian
Domain .au.com
2 years/$190.00
Not Required
None Brazilian
Domain .br.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Chinese
Domain .cn.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None German
Domain .de.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None European
Domain .eu.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Great Britain
Domain .gb.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Great Britain
Domain .gb.net
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Hungarian
Domain .hu.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Norwegian
Domain .no.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Quebecois
Domain .qc.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Russian
Domain .ru.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Saudi Arabian
Domain .sa.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Swedish
Domain .se.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Swedish
Domain .se.net
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None United Kingdom
Domain .uk.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None United Kingdom
Domain .uk.net
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None United States
Domain .us.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None Uruguayan
Domain .uy.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
None South African
Domain .za.com
2 years/$100.00
Not Required
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International Domain Rules List Country
Local Presence
Other Requirements Afghanistan
Domain .com.af
2 years/$360.00
Local presence is required
Trade license or business authorization from
Ministry of Commerce Afghanistan Aland Islands
Domain .ax
2 years/$ 0.00
Please ask for further Info
There is no registry at this time Albania
Domain .com.al
2 years/$250.00
Local presence is required
Copy of company registration in Albania or copy
of citizen id Algeria
Domain .dz
Domain .com.dz 2 years/$ 345.00
Local presence is required
company in Algeria, domain must match company
name, redirection fee required if using your DNS American Samoa
Domain .as
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Andorra
Domain .ad
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is required
Must have an Andorran trademark, or who have
been a resident 20+ years Angola
Domain .co.ao
Domain .it.ao 2 years/$ 699.00 for co.ao/it.ao
Local presence is required
Must have a commercial institution seated in
Angola .co.ao For commercial institutions, seated in Angola .it.ao For international institutions, seated outside Angola Anguilla
Domain .ai
Domain .com.ai 2 years/$250.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Antartica
Domain .aq
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
There are no restrictions at this
time Antigua and Barbuda
Domain .ag
Domain .com.ag 2 years/$400.00 for .AG / $300.00 for .COM.AG
Local presense is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Argentina
Domain .com.ar
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
Company registration in Argentina & tax
id Armenia
Domain .am
2 years/$300.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Aruba
Domain .aw
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
Must have a copy of company registration in
Aruba Ascension Island
Domain .ac
2 years/$ 220.00
Local presence is not required
There are no other restrictions at this
time Australia
Domain .com.au
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
AU trademark or AU company registration
info Austria
Domain .at
Domain .co.at 2 years/$ 195.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Azerbaijan
Domain .az
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
There is no registry at this time Bahamas
Domain .bs
Domain .com.bs 2 years/.bs - $650.00 / .com.bs - $450.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Bahrain
Domain .com.bh
2 years/$ 450.00
Local presence is required
Must have a company registered in Bahrain,
customer must host in Bahrain for $35/mo.even with local proxy
service Bangladesh
Domain .com.bd
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
There are no restrictions at this
time Barbados
Domain .bb
Domain .com.bb 2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is required
Must have a presence or a company registered in
Barbados Belarus
Domain .by
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Belgium
Domain .be
2 years/$ 150.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Belize
Domain .bz
2 years/$ 100.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Benin
Domain .bj
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Reserved for future use and is not available at
this time Bermuda
Domain .bm
Domain .com.bm 2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is required
Must have a company registered in
Bermuda Bhutan
Domain .bt
Domain .com.bt 2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
Company registration or Trademark
required Bolivia
Domain .bo
Domain .com.bo 2 years/$ 450.00 for .bo / $ 200.00 for
Local presence is required
TM registration or company registered in Bolivia
required for .bo. No restrictions for .com.bo. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Domain .ba
2 years/$ 300
Local presence is required
Must be a resident or have a company registered
in the area Botswana
Domain .bw
2 years/$0.00
Please ask for further assistance
Please ask for further assistance Bouvet Island
Domain .bv
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Not available at this time Brazil
Domain .com.br
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is required
Copy of company registration in Brazil (CNPJ),
full Brazillian address & phone British Channel Isl. (Guernsy)
Domain .gg
Domain .co.gg 2 years/$ 300.00 for .gg/.co.gg
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions British Channel Isl. (Jersey)
Domain .je
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time British
Indian Ocean Terr.
Domain .io
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
No restrictions at this Time Brunei Darussalam
Domain .com.bn
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Bulgaria
Domain .bg
2 years/$ 340.00
Local presence is required
Companies and organizations registered abroad
can register if they have registered branches or have commercial
representatives in Bulgaria Burkina Faso
Domain .bf
2 years/$ 0.00
Please ask for further info
Please ask for more information Burundi
Domain .bi
Domain .co.bi 2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Cameroon
Domain .cm
2 years/$ 400.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Canada
Domain .ca
2 years/$ 100.00
Local presence is required
Canadian citizen or business, full address,
phone. Cape Verde
Domain .cv
2 years/$ 250
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Cayman Islands
Domain .ky
Domain .com.ky 2 years/$ 250.00 for .ky/.com.ky
Local presence is required
Must have company reg. in Cayman or be a
citizen. Foreign companies cannot use local admin-C for
registrations Central African Republic
Domain .cf
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Chad (Tchad)
Domain .td
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Chile
Domain .cl
2 years/$ 180.00
Local presence is required
Must have name and RUT # of admin-C in
Chile China
Domain .cn
Domain .com.cn Domain .net.cn 2 years/$ 100.00 for .cn/ .com.cn/ .net.cn
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Christmas Island
Domain .cx
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Cocos Islands
Domain .cc
2 years/$ 100.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Colombia
Domain .com.co
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
company registration & contact in Colombia.
TM if domain does not match company name (for local proxy provide copy of
company registration or TM from any country) Comoros
Domain .km
Domain .com.km 2 years/$ 350.00 for .km/.com.km
Local presence is required
For .KM Reserved for companies with
representation/TM in Comoros For .COM.KM no restriction at this time Congo, Dem. Rep. of
Domain .cd
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is not required
Domain must reflect type of business Congo, Republic of
Domain .cg
2 years/$ 550.00
Local presence is not required
Domain must reflect the type of
business Cook Islands
Domain .co.ck
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Costa Rica
Domain .co.cr
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
Passport, id number of contact person (any
country) Cote d'Ivoire
Domain .ci
Domain .co.ci 2 years/$ 475.00
Local presence is required
Domain must relate to company or have a
trademark Croatia/Hrvatska
Domain .hr
Domain .com.hr 2 years/$ 350.00 for .hr/.com.hr
Local presence is required
Registration with TM possible; administrative
contact in Croatia/Hrvatska & copy of ID required Cuba
2 years/$ 400.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Cyprus
Domain .com.cy
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is required
company reg. or TM and contact person in
Cyprus Czech Republic
Domain .cz
2 years/$ 400.00
Local presence is not required
Must have company registration number, any
country, DOB of contact, VAT if applicable Denmark
Domain .dk
2 years/$ 150.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Djbouti
Domain .dj
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Dominica
Domain .dm
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Dominican Republic
Domain .com.do
2 years/$ 245.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement East Timor
Domain .tp
2 years/$ 0.00
No longer in use, converted to .TL (Timor
This domain no longer in use, converted to .TL
(Timor Leste) Ecuador
Domain .ec
Domain .com.ec 2 years/$ 250.00 for .ec/.com.ec
Local presence is not required
Must have passport, ID number, any
country Egypt
Domain .com.eg
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
Copy of company registration in Egypt, 1:1
mapping with domain El Salvador
Domain .com.sv
2 years/$ 220.00
Local presence is required
Must have an admin-C located in El
Salvador Equatorial Guinea
Domain .gq
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Not available at this time Eritrea
Domain .er
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Estonia
Domain .ee
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
Must have a company reg. in Estonia Ethiopia
Domain .et
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for more information Europe
Domain .eu
2 years/$ 70.00
Local presence is required
Must have an EU address and phone
number Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
Domain .co.fk
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Faroe Islands
Domain .com.fo
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is required
Danish patent or TM, or company in Faroe
Islands Fiji
Domain .com.fj
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Finland
Domain .fi
2 years/$ 449.00
Local presence is required
Foreign corporations cannot apply for domain
names unless they have a branch entered in the Finnish Trade
Registry France
Domain .fr
Domain .com.fr 2 years/$ 325.00 for .fr/.com.fr
Local presence is required
for .FR EU trademark OR copy company reg (KBIS)
in France, local admin-C. Company name and domain name must match for .COM.FR Local administrative contact required. Must provide a copy of latest telephone invoice in France. French Guiana
Domain .gf
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for more information French Polynesia
Domain .pf
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information French
Southern Territories
2 years/$ 180.00
Local presence is not required
local admin-C, address in French Southern
Territories Gabon
Domain .ga
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for more information Gambia
Domain .gm
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
Domain must relate to company name,
product Georgia
Domain .ge
Domain .com.ge 2 years/$ 250.00 for .ge/.com.ge
Local presence is required
Must have request on company letterhead, must
use Georgia internet service, must have legal representative in country of
Georgia Germany
Domain .de
2 years/$ 100.00
Local presence is required
Must have a German contact address and
phone Ghana
Domain .com.gh
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
Must have a company reg. and admin-C in
Ghana Gibraltar
Domain .com.gi
2 years/$ 290.00
Local presence is not required
No restrict - TLD .gi possible if company based
in Gibraltar Great Britain
Domain .gb
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Not available at this time Greece
Domain .gr
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
Must have copy of company reg. in
Greece Greenland
Domain .gl
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Grenada
Domain .gd
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Guadeloupe
Domain .gp
Domain .com.gp 2 years/$ 450.00 for .gp / $ 350.00 for
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Guam
Domain .com.gu
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
Must provide copy of trademark if name is
associated with trademark, have an admin-C in Guam Guatemala
Domain .com.gt
2 years/$ 240.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Guinea
Domain .com.gn
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
company and admin-C must be in
Guinea Guinea-Bissau
Domain .gw
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
At this time there is no registry Guyana
Domain .gy
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Haiti
Domain .ht
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
At this time there is no registry Heard
and McDonald Islands
Domain .hm
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Holy See (Vatican City)
Domain .va
2 years/$0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask us for further
information Honduras
Domain .com.hn
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
Company registration form from any
country Honduras
Domain .hn
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
Company registration form from any
country Hong Kong
Domain .hk
Domain .com.hk 2 years/$ 400.00 for .hk/.com.hk
Local presence is not required
for .HK Company registration number (any
country) for .COM.HK HK trademark, or copy of company registration in Hong Kong Hungary
Domain .hu
Domain .co.hu 2 years/$ 250.00 for .hu/.co.hu
Local presence is required
for .HU you must have a company, or be a
citizen, or have a TM with admin-C in Hungary for .CU.HU company VAT or Tax-ID number, any country Iceland
Domain .is
2 years/$ 400.00
Local presence is required
Registration with TM possible with admin-C in
Iceland, Kennitala number India
Domain .in
Domain .co.in 2 years/$ 100.00 for .in/co.in
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Indonesia
Domain .co.id
Domain .web.id 2 years/$ 350.00 for .co.id/.web.id
Local presence is required
Must have a copy trademark or a company
registered in Indonesia and have 1:1 mapping with domain for this domain
extension Iran
Domain .co.ir 2 years/$ 325.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Iraq
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
At this time there in no registry Ireland
Domain .ie
2 years/$ 320.00
Local presence is not required
Irish Limited and Non-Limited Companies must
provide their company registration number; administrative contact must
provide passport number. Foreign companies can register if doing business
in Ireland or provide TM. Isle of Man
Domain .co.im
2 years/$ 220.00
Local presence is not required
Domain related to company/trademark/brand
name Israel
Domain .co.il
2 years/$ 180.00
Local presence is not required
no requirements Italy
Domain .it
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
Must registration number of company in EU state,
full address, location, date registered, Tax-ID, Admin-C in EU or
IT Jamaica
Domain .com.jm
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Japan
Domain .jp
Domain .co.jp 2 years/$ 340.00 for .jp/.co.jp
Local presence is required
for .JP Local Presence included for .CO.JP Company registered in Japan Jordan
Domain .com.jo
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
Company registration in Jordan or TM with
admin-C in Jordan Kazakhstan
Domain .kz
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Kenya
Domain .co.ke
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Kingdom of Cambodia
Domain .com.kh
2 years/$ 340.00
Local presence is required
Copy of license or certificate of trade name,
issued by ministry of Commerce of Cambodia, authenticated by the
municipality of Phnom Penh Kiribati
Domain .com.ki
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Korea, Democratic
Domain .kp
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
At this time there is no registry Korea, South
Domain .co.kr
2 years/$ 450.00
Local presence is required
Copy of company registration in Korea,
letterhead with full Korean company address, admin-C with resident
# Kuwait
Domain .com.kw
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is required
Copy of company registration in Kuwait or
citizen ID Kyrgyzstan
Domain .kg
2 years/$ 220.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Lao, Dem. Repub.
Domain .la
2 years/$ 220.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Latvia
Domain .lv
Domain .com.lv 2 years/$ 200.00 for .lv/.com.lv
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Lebanon
Domain .com.lb
2 years/$ 450.00
Local presence is required
Lebanese TM & Lebanese admin-C Lesotho
Domain .ls
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for more information Liberia
Domain .com.lr
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
Must have Liberian trademark or
company Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Domain .com.ly
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
Reserved for company or trademark registration,
any country Liechtenstein
Domain .li
2 years/$ 320.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Lithuania
Domain .lt
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Luxembourg
Domain .lu
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is required
Must have local admin-C details Macao
Domain .mo
Domain .com.mo 2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is required
Must have company reg. in Macao, and nameservers
operated in Macao Macedonia
Domain .com.mk
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
Must have a representative for company in
Macedonia Madagascar
Domain .mg
Domain .com.mg 2 years/$ 200.00 for .mg/.com.mg
Local presence is required
For .MG Copy of company registration and tax ID
in Madagascar OR trademark at the OMAPI, OMPI, INPI or equivalent For .COM.MG no requirements Malawi
Domain .mw
Domain .co.mw 2 years/$ 300.00 for .mw/.co.mw
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Malaysia
Domain .com.my
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
Copy of business registration in Malaysia &
contact details Maldives
Domain .mv
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Mali
2 years/$0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for more information Malta
Domain .mt
Domain .com.mt 2 years/$ 250.00 for .mt/.com.mt
Local presence is not required
Must have a copy of company reg., any
country Mariana Islands
Domain .mp
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is required
Must have DNS must be carried by MP registry to
allow mobile content websites, webspace included Marshall Islands
Domain .mh
2 years/$0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further info Martinique
Domain .mq
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
At this time there is no registry Mauritania
Domain .mr
2 years/$0.00
Please ask for further info
Please ask for further info Mauritius
Domain .mu
Domain .com.mu 2 years/$ 250.00 for .mu/.com.mu
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Mayotte
Domain .yt
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
There is no registry at this time Mexico
Domain .com.mx
2 years/$ 150.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Micronesia
Domain .fm
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
There are variable costs depending on domain,
amounts set by registry Moldova
Domain .md
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Monaco
Domain .mc
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
May have domains represent name of trademark,
however must have office in Monaco Mongolia
Domain .mn
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Montserrat
Domain .ms
2 years/$ 180.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Morocco
Domain .ma
Domain .co.ma 2 years/$ 300.00 for .ma/.co.ma
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Mozambique
Domain .co.mz
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Myanmar
Domain .mm
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Namibia
Domain .com.na
2 years/$ 200.00 for .na/.com.na
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Nauru
Domain .com.nr
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Nepal
Domain .com.np
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
Must have a company reg. in Nepal or a
TM Netherlands
Domain .nl
2 years/$ 220.00
Local presence is required
Must have an admin-C located in NL, contact
address, phone Netherlands Antilles
Domain .an
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is required
Must have a company in the islands of
Netherlands Antilles and a local contact person New Caledonia
Domain .nc
Domain .com.nc 2 years/$ 325.00 for .nc/.com.nc
Local presence is required
Must have a company registered in New
Caledonia New Zealand
Domain .co.nz
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Nicaragua
Domain .com.ni
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Niger
Domain .ne
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Nigeria
Domain .com.ng
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
Company registration in Nigeria & contact
info Niue
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Norfolk Island
Domain .com.nf
2 years/$ 500.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Norway
Domain .no
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is required
Must have admin-C located in Norway, copy
company reg. in Norway, Norwegian TM possible Oman
Domain .com.om
Domain .co.om 2 years/$ 400.00 for .com.om/co.om
Local presence is required
Company or TM registered in Oman, local
admin-C. Pakistan
Domain .com.pk
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Palau
Domain .pw
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Palestinian Territory
Domain .ps
Domain .com.ps 2 years/$ 250.00 for .ps/.com.ps
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Panama
Domain .com.pa
2 years/$ 240.00
Local presence is required
Passport/ID number from any country Papua New Guinea
Domain .pg
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further info Paraguay
Domain .com.py
2 years/$ 320.00
Local presence is not required
No restriction Peru
Domain .com.pe
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Philippines
Domain .ph
Domain .com.ph 2 years/$ 200.00 for .ph/.com.ph
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Pitcairn Island
Domain .pn
Domain .co.pn 2 years/$ 325.00 for .pn/.co.pn
Local presence is not required
There are no requirements at this
time Poland
Domain .pl
Domain .com.pl 2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Portugal
Domain .pt
Domain .com.pt 2 years/$ 300.00 for .pt / $ 250.00 for
Local presence is required
For .PT Company located in Portugal OR EU
trademark with an address in Portugal .COM.PT no restrictions Puerto Rico
Domain .pr
Domain .com.pr 2 years/$ 1200.00 for .pr - $300 for .com.pr
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Qatar
Domain .com.qa
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is required
Must subscribe to Qatar ISP for additional
hosting costs, local admin-C details Reunion Island
Domain .re
Domain .com.re 2 years/$ 400.00 for .re/.com.re
Local presence is required
Must have EU or international trademark which
includes French territory and local admin-C Romania
Domain .ro
Domain .co.ro 2 years/$ 300.00 for .ro/.co.ro
Local presence is not required
Must have company registration number, any
country or ID number Russia
Domain .ru
2 years/$ 150.00
Local presence is required
passport number or company tax-id/VAT
number Rwanda
Domain .rw
2 years/$ 599.00
Local presence is not required
Must have a domain related to
company/trademark/brand name Saint Kitts and Nevis
Domain .kn
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Saint Lucia
Domain .lc
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
Must have an admin-C in Saint Lucia Saint
Pierre & Miquelon
Domain .pm
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Saint Vincent/Grenadines
Domain .vc
Domain .com.vc 2 years/$200.00
Local presence is not required
Please ask us for more information San Marino
Domain .sm
2 years/$ 350.00
Local presence is not required
Must have domain name same as company name or
TM Sao Tome and Principe
Domain .st
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Saudi Arabia
Domain .com.sa
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is required
company registration in Saudi or TM in
Saudi Senegal
Domain .sn
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Serbia and Montenegro
Domain .cs
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Not in use at this time Seychelles
Domain .sc
Domain .com.sc 2 years/$ 340.00 for .sc/.com.sc
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Sierra Leone
Domain .sl
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Singapore
Domain .sg
Domain .com.sg 2 years/$ 300.00 for .sg/.com.sg
Local presence is required
for .SG Must have local admin-C details for .COM.SG Copy of company registration in Singapore, local contact. Slovakia
Domain .sk
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is required
Must have a company or contact in Slovak
Republic Slovenia
Domain .si
2 years/$ 300.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Solomon Islands
Domain .com.sb
2 years/$ 420.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Somalia
Domain .so
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
This domain extension is reserved for future use
and is not available at this time. As Somalia has no internationally
recognized government, this domain is not currently available South Africa
Domain .co.za
2 years/$ 150.00
Local presence is not required
no restriction South Georgia
Domain .gs
2 years/$ 180.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Soviet Union
Domain .su
2 years/$ 150.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Spain
Domain .es
Domain .com.es 2 years/$ 250.00 for .es/.com.es
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions Sri Lanka
Domain .lk
Domain .com.lk 2 years/$ 300.00 for .lk/.com.lk
Local presence is required
Must have a Sri Lanka TM or company St. Helena
Domain .sh
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Sudan
Domain .sd
Domain .com.sd 2 years/$ 350.00 for .sd / $ 250.00 for
Local presence is not required
Must be an individual or company Suriname
Domain .sr
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Svalbard & Jan Mayen
Domain .sj
2 years/$.0.00
please ask for further info
Reserved for future use, there is no registry at
this time Swaziland
Domain .sz
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
Must have company reg. in Swaziland Sweden
Domain .se
2 years/$ 245.00
Local presence is required
Must have a company reg. number, any country,
city of registration, Vat ID number if European Switzerland
Domain .ch
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Syrian Arab Republic
Domain .com.sy
2 years/$0.00
Please ask for further information
The government is not currently permitting
domain name registrations under the .sy TLD Taiwan
Domain .com.tw
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
Copy of company registration in Taiwan &
local contact person Tajikistan
Domain .tj
Domain .com.tj 2 years/$ 250.00 for .tj/.com.tj
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Tanzania
Domain .co.tz
2 years/$ 220.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Thailand
Domain .co.th
2 years/$ 150.00
Local presence is required
Copy of company registration in Thailand, full
address, and phone Timor-Leste
Domain .tl
Domain .com.tl 2 years/$ 250.00 for .tl/.com.tl
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Togo
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask for further information Tokelau
Domain .tk
2 years/$ 150.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Tonga
Domain .to
2 years/$ 220.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Trinidad and Tobago
Domain .tt
Domain .co.tt Domain .com.tt 2 years/$ 220.00 for .com.tt/co.tt / $ 1200 for
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Tunisia
Domain .tn
2 years/$ 220.00
Local presence is required
Must have a business registered in Tunisia or
admin-C in Tunisia Turkey
Domain .com.tr
2 years/$ 250.00
Local presence is required
Company registration in Turkey, or Turkish
Trademark Turkmenistan
Domain .tm
10 years/$ 1,100.00
Local presence is not required
Must have a TM that is associated with domain
name. The registration period for this domain is only for 10
years Turks and Caicos
Domain .tc
2 years/$ 180.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Tuvalu
Domain .tv
2 years/$ 29.95
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Uganda
Domain .ug
Domain .co.ug 2 years/$ 120.00 for .ug / $ 220.00 for
Local presence is not required
Must register .co.ug first Ukraine
Domain .ua
Domain .com.ua 2 years/$ 220.00 for .ua/.com.ua
Local presence is required
Must have a Urkanian TM United Arab Emirates
Domain .ae
2 years/$200.00
Local presence is not required
Copy of company registration (any country),
localadmin-C, TM required if different than company name United Kingdom
Domain .co.uk
2 years/$ 50.00
Local presence is not required
No restriction United States
Domain .us
2 years/$25 / $50 / $125 / $250
Local presence is required
Must be a US citizen or company info in
US Uruguay
Domain .com.uy
2 years/$ 150.00
Local presence is required
Must be customer of Antel and have local
admin-C US Minor
Outlying Islands
Domain .um
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask us for further
information Uzbekistan
Domain .uz
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Vanuatu
Domain .vu
2 years/$ 240.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Venezuela
Domain .com.ve
2 years/$ 240.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Vietnam
Domain .vn
Domain .com.vn 2 years/$ 525.00 for .vn / $ 325.00 for
Local presence is not required
no restrictions at this time Virgin Islands, British
Domain .vg
2 years/$ 180.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Virgin Islands, US
Domain .co.vi
2 years/$ 220.00
Local presence is not required
There is no other requirement Wallis
& Futuna Islands
Domain .wf
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask us for more information Western Sahara
Domain .eh
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Not available at this time Western Samoa
Domain .ws
2 years/$ 100.00
Local presence is not required
There are no restrictions at this
time Yemen
Domain .com.ye
2 years/$ 335.00
Local presence is required
Must have an admin-C in Yemen Yugoslavia
Domain .co.yu
2 years/$ 200.00
Local presence is required
Business registration in Serbia, Montenego, and
local admin-C Zambia
Domain .co.zm
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask us for further
information Zimbabwe
Domain .co.zw
2 years/$ 0.00
please ask for further info
Please ask us for more
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