Welcome to Sitges Web Design

IT Consultancy

Your Part-time IT Manager

Many smaller and medium sized organisations understand the importance of IT to their business, but cannot justify the overhead of a full-time resource to manage IT.

We offer a cost effective and flexible alternative.

We will work with your business to manage your IT for as much or as little time as is required. We can work with you for half a day per month, or 2-3 days per week, depending on need. Sometimes we act as a company’s part-time IT Manager for long periods, sometimes just for a few weeks. We can work either on the basis of fixed price, or as-used retainer arrangements.

By using 4G Technology to manage your IT, you will have access to a wide range of skills at a fraction of the cost of equivalent in-house resources.

Whether you need us to manage just a single project or the development of some of your IT systems, we are at your service.

If you want to manage and develop your IT without the cost of an in-house employee, then why not contact us 0845 330 2550

How can it help?

With so much to IT, even large companies need help to save money and work wisely.

Made to work for you, your business and your budget